Good Monday Everyone!!
I hope you guys have been doing well! I know I didn't get to post a lot last week (crazy busy week at work :-/). But I wanted to start this week on a good note. So today I am going to write about how I am working on getting ready for my next competition prep.
Now, first thing is to set a goal. I am about 130 pounds. I want to be 126-127ish by the end of the year. This is not a vanity thing. For a competition most people are between 122-105 for my height group. Last year I was about 120-121 the day of. I want to start at 127 because I believe that is a good healthy weight to build muscle and lose fat.
Second, last time I prepped for a competition I was green...I had NO idea what I was getting myself into. I was moody on low carb days, tired, and at times uninterested and unfocused. I believe that I can combat this by learning how to focus and center and I am going to do this by learning mediation and yoga.
Lastly, how does this apply to my life right now you ask?!? Well this week I am going to focus on getting my diet straight, do yoga every morning, and kick a$$ in the gym!
-So here is the workout for the week. You can print this out and use it in the gym. I will explain the exercise when I do a post. If I don't do a post and you have a question about an exercise email me, @
-Pyramid: Start light, work your way up to the heaviest weight that you can go to for 8 reps. I typically will do 1 set - 15 reps, 2 set - 12 reps, 3 set - 10 reps, 4 set - 8 reps.
-Hold: For these exercises hold the exercise for 20-30 secs. For example - pushdowns are on the schedule today, at the bottom hold it there to challenge the muscle. Make sure you have good form!
1. Bench Press - you can do this with barbell or on Smith Machine/Free Weights.
2. Bent Tricep Extension - for this move get the lightest barbell you can find. Put the weight behind you legs, bend at the waist, weight should be below your butt. Lift weight up until your arms are parallel to the floor.
3. Close Grip Press - take barbell and put your hands close together. I usually like to make it where my thumbs touch.
4. Pushup - you can do regular pushups or tricep pushups.
5. Cable Reverse Grip Raise - Take straight bar at the cables. Put the pulley at the bottom. Place hands with palms up. Raise hands up while keeping arms straight. You want to feel it in the space between your chest and armpit.
Hopefully I will be able to post a video on Instagram. Have a great week guys!!
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