
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Music and Exercise

One of the things that I love most about going to the gym is getting to rock out with my music! A good song can do a lot for you in the gym, it can help push you through a set or help you get through that last 5 minutes of cardio. I would say that I have an eclectic taste in music so when I am lifting I like to listen to a hip hop mix and for cardio I LOVE the Ke$ha station:-) But music has actually been show to do more than just give you something to listen to while at the gym.

There have been studies that show that music can increase endorphins which help you push yourself during your workout. It has also been shown that listening to music can help mental processing after your workout. Have you ever been tired and then heard your new favorite song and push out that last set no problem? Well…its because music signals endorphins to release in your brain that make you happy! A good song can also increase your heart rate which will help burn calories and create cardio endurance...AWESOME right?!?

It doesn’t matter what kind of music you listen to, hey if you want to rock out to Disney classics or Beethoven that is up to you! But listen to whatever is going to help motivate you in the gym!! I like to make playlists every now and then so that I can add new music and get rid of the older songs. I also like to randomly go through all of my songs and make playlists out of music that I haven’t heard in a long time!

Here are a couple songs from my playlist that you can (and should!!!) add to yours to help get your gym groove on!!

Bass Down Low – The Cataracs
Bootylicious – Destiny’s Child
Crazy Beautiful Life – Ke$ha
Hips Don’t Lie – Shakira
In the Dark – Dev
The Edge of Glory – Lady Gaga
Pump it – Black Eyed Peas
Turn Down for What – DJ Snake & Lil John
Gas Petal – Sage the Gemini
E.T. – Katy Perry

Happy Lifting Y’all!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Dreaded "C" Word...Cardio

Let’s talk about the dreaded cardio…dun dun dunnnn. I have said it many times and I will say it many more, I am sure, I AM NOT A CARDIO BUNNY. If I could get away with doing no cardio at all that would be the life! Unfortunately I understand the benefits of cardio and why it is needed in a well rounded fitness routine. Some people will tell you that you don’t need to cardio that strength training is all you need. I don’t believe in “cutting” anything out of my fitness routine. This goes for food, cardio, different workouts, etc.

This week my coach increased my cardio to an hour 6 times a week in order to continue to cut body fat. Once your body gets to a point it starts to retain water, fat, etc. in order to stay “healthy”. I am trying to cut fat in order to get ready for a show which means ill have to get down to 12-14% body fat, which is not an everyday body fat percentage. With that being said I had to increase cardio in order to help my body along with this process.

In an effort to make cardio more fun and interesting I have started to do HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts 2-4 times a week. Personally interval training makes cardio more fun and it goes by faster. So why is cardio important?

1. Cardio helps burn calories which will aid in fat loss.
2. Cardio helps build the most important muscle in your body, your heart.
3. Increase in cardio exercise releases endorphins (serotonin, dopamine, etc.) which improve your mood.
4. Cardio decrease stress, mentally and physically.
5. Cardio increases your endurance which will help in strength training.
6. Cardio will help you sleep better; getting a full night sleep will allow your body to repair after intense strength training sessions.

Sounds great doesn’t it?! Well all these things don’t mean cardio still doesn’t suck! I have recent done research on HIIT workouts and sprints. Take some time and look at pictures of sprinters, they are built! HIIT has become my new form of go to cardio so I will share some of the workouts that I do.

-HIIT can be done in many different ways. The way that I like to do it is by setting up an exercise for each muscle group and doing that exercise for 30 seconds and then a rest period. Some people do exercises that will increase heart rate but not use weighted exercises. This is totally up to you. Look up some HIIT example workouts, try a few and see which ones you like best.

HIIT Workout (Full body workout)
-Squat Press
-Bicycle Crunches
-Jumping Jacks
(each exercise 30 secs back to back, 1 min rest)
-Steering wheels with plate
-Reverse crunches on BOSU or bench
-High Knees
(each exercise 30 secs back to back, 1 min rest)
-Bent Over Row with Barbell
-Mountain Climbers
(each exercise 30 secs back to back, 1 min rest)
-Side to Side on BOSU ball
(each exercise 30 secs back to back, 1 min rest)
-Squat with Barbell
-Glute Bridges
-Box Jumps
(each exercise 30 secs back to back, 1 min rest)
-Calf Raise with Barbell
-Oblique Plank Twists
-Jump Squats
(each exercise 30 secs back to back, 1 min rest)
-Bicep curls
-Leg Lifts
-Jumping Jacks
(each exercise 30 secs back to back, 1 min rest)
-Triceps Extension
-Russian Twists
-Box Taps
(each exercise 30 secs back to back, 1 min rest)

My workout partner and I did this last week and it was killer!! Takes about an hour but it flies!

-I put up a treadmill sprint workout in my leg day post so be sure to check that out if you want to give sprints a try. I’ll be putting up more cardio workouts as I go into this week as well in order to help you guys along!

(Me after my hour cardio day yesterday)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Workout of the Day: Chest and Triceps

Workout of the Day: Chest and Triceps

In honor of “International chest day” being yesterday I thought I would post a helpful little blog about chest exercises! :-) I know that men work out chest a good deal, but women are hesitant to work it out. Why you ask? Well I believe the answer is that women don’t want to appear “bulky” and think that working out chest will give them huge pec muscles like men. 

****with that being said lets blow one myth out of the water, women DO NOT have the same muscle structure as men, therefore working chest or legs or whatever WILL NOT make you look manly****

Whew, I’m glad that’s out of the way! Haha. I will not lie, when I first started working out in the gym I thought that only men should do weights. Later, after copious amounts of reading, I learned that women benefit a great deal from weight lifting. Did you know that muscle burns more calories than fat?! SOOO having more muscle means more fat loss! So ladies, jump off that cardio machine and hit this chest/triceps workout to build those muscles!

-Super Quick Anatomy Lesson-
Two major muscles in the chest area, the pectoralis major and minor. The major is the muscle that is on top and minor is below it and they both cover part of the rib cage. It is important for women to work these muscles because it “lifts” the breast and gets rid of that “side armpit boob”. :-)

There are three “heads” on the triceps; the long head, lateral head, and medial head. The triceps compose 60% of the arm but most people work out only their biceps. It is important to do exercises that hit all these heads in order to give the arm a lean shape. 

-Warm up – (arm circles, seal jacks, shoulder rolls, etc) 5 mins
1. Push-ups
- Sets – 5
- Reps – 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
2. Barbell Incline Bench Press
- Sets – 4
- Reps – 15, 12, 10, 8
3. Rope Tricep Extension
- Sets – 4
- Reps – 18, 15, 12, 10
4. Machine Flye
- Sets – 4
- Reps – 18, 15, 12, 10
5. Dumbbell Kickbacks
- Sets – 4
- Reps - 15, 12, 10, 8
6. Cable Cross Over
- Set – 3
- Reps – 12, 10, 8
7. Dips (unassisted or assisted) **I usually do half and half**
- Sets –5
- Reps – 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

Happy Lifting Ya'll! :-)

Friday, February 14, 2014

Makin' Groceries :-)

“Failing to prepare is preparing to fail”
Food prep day - (top) lunches for a week, (bottom) calliope food prep clean up crew, (right) homemade almond butter. :-)

One of the biggest things that I have learned in my prep to be healthy is that you are a lot less likely to cheat if you have worked hard to prepare healthy meals. With that being said, people a lot of times wonder what does healthy meal prep look like. Well I am here to help

1. Make a grocery list. Going to the grocery store can be an exciting time when first starting out and you’ll want to buy everything! Problem is that if you buy to much then a lot will go to waste, not good. So be honest with yourself and make a grocery list of the things you need. I eat about ½ dozen eggs a day, so I will need about 5 dozen to get through a ten day period. I like to make as few grocery trips as possible so I will load up on things that I use everyday as well as things that don’t go bad, like frozen veggies.

2. Make a menu. It is a lot easier to make a grocery list if you have an idea of what you are going to make for meals. I usually like to have two different lunches as well as two different dinners to alternate every other day so I don’t get bored.

3. Stay on the perimeter of the grocery store. I try to avoid the middle isles in stores because that is where the majority of the processed food is located. I once was told that 80% of your grocery cart should be foods that have one ingredient ( i.e. vegetables, fruits, oatmeal, rice, etc.). Going into the middle isles you may be tempted to pick up things like macaroni and cheese or chips, avoid these!!!

4. Have a budget. I remember when I first started eating healthy I would go crazy and buy all this “healthy” food. Unless you’re a millionaire, which I am not, its good to have a budget to stick too. This will also help with not buying things you really don’t need. I will buy some things that are more expensive, like natural peanut butter or Ezekiel bread, but the majority of the stuff I will look for the cheapest brand.

5. Organic vs. Not – this is a personal decision. Some people do not have the ability to buy organic food because it is significantly more expensive. Don’t feel bad! Buy healthy food and if you want some organic apples go ahead. If you can afford organic food go for it! I usually spend more money on things like antibiotic-hormone free meat. Some times we have to make tough decisions but as long as you are trying to be as healthy as possible I applaud you!

6. Pick a day to do all your prep. Prepping for a week is a job. It takes time and not taking the time means you are more likely to not do it correctly or not do it at all. I like to meal prep on Sundays. This is the day where I don’t work and I have the ability to clean my house, do chores, and meal prep.

7. Buy Tupperware! Some people prep in plastic baggies some put it in Tupperware, do what you want but have a system. I like Tupperware because then I can put it easily in my lunch box and come home at night, wash and reuse.

8. Create “staple” items that you must always have. I got through a lot of things on a regular basis (i.e. eggs, peanut butter, turkey bacon, sweet potatoes). These items should always be on your list. Make sure that you have enough to get through a week.

9. Only prep one week at a time. I have tried to prep for two weeks at a time, but by the end of the first week I look at the food and it looks old or I just don’t want to eat it. Changing things up is important, so only prep for a week. I usually alternate between some of my favorite meals. Like week 1 and 3 I’ll make the same dishes and 2 and 4 will be the same. But I do them a week at a time.

10. Have fun! People look at the grocery store as a chore, don’t do this! This should be exciting. I LOVE going to the grocery store. I love creating new foods and trying new spices. The grocery store is where it all begins! So have fun, make it an adventure!

Ok so those are my ten things you need to think about before grocery shopping. So here is my “typical” grocery shopping list. I hope you all have a great time shopping and prepping!!!

Unsweetened coco powder
Peanut butter
Turkey bacon
Green tea/chamomile tea
Hot sauce
Frozen veggies
Sugar free maple syrup 
Mrs. Dash seasoning 
Ground turkey 
Bell peppers
Sweet potatoes 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

WOD: Leg Day :-)

So Monday was leg day, one of my favorite days! Leg day has always been a favorite of mine because I have naturally strong legs. I want to share my leg day workout so that all of you can have fabulous legs and booty :-)

When doing a leg day one must first understand muscle usage. You will get a much better workout if you are thinking about the muscle you are supposed to be using when doing an exercise. For example, I have very strong quads so when I would do a leg curl I would pull with my quads totally defeating the purpose of the exercise. So I found a diagram of the leg muscles that you can look at to make sure that you are using the right muscle. I will also put on the workout what the primary muscle is from the exercise.

(Picture from

I hope this helps, if at any point you have questions feel free to ask!


1. Leg Curl Machine (focus - hamstrings)
Sets - 5
Reps - 15, 12, 10, 8, 15 (last set return to lighter weight)

2. Seated Leg Press (focus - quads and glutes)
Sets - 5
Reps - 15, 12, 10, 8, 15 (last set return to lighter weight)

3. Seated Leg Press, Calf Raises (focus - calves)
Sets - 4
Reps - 30, 25, 20, 15

4. Smith Machine Squats (focus - complete leg)
Sets - 4
Reps - 15, 15, 15, 15
**to make this more difficult I use a BOSU ball. I put the ball on the dome part and balance myself. I like this because it forces me to engage my core during the exercise, which is what a lot of people forget to do during squats**

5. Inverted Leg Press (focus - quads, hams, glutes)
Sets - 5
Reps - 15, 12, 10, 8, 15
**towards the end of this workout you may be getting tired, but if you're not I would pulse for as long as you can on the last set to help start the "burnout" process.**

6. Reverse Lunge into Step Up on Bench (focus - hamstrings and glutes)
Sets - 3
Reps - 20, 20, 20 (ten each leg)
**to see an example of this check out my Instagram, I put a video up**

7. Barbell Calf Raises
Sets - 3
Reps - 30, 30, 30

30 minutes of cardio
- For cardio on leg day it depends on how I feel which kind of cardio that I do, steady state or interval. On this leg day I chose to do interval because I didn't feel to terribly bad and wanted to push myself. I change up machines (treadmill, elliptical, bike, stair climber, etc.) that I use and the interval routine. I don't have a specific routine that I like to do, I just mix a bunch of different types of intervals together. So here is a little routine you can try.

3 min warm up (incline 5.0, speed 2.0-2.8)
1 min jog (incline 1.5, speed 5.0-6.0)
1 min walk (incline 1.5, speed 3.5)
30 sec sprint (incline 1.5, speed 8.0+)
30 complete rest
Repeat sprints 5 times total
1 min jog (incline 1.5, speed 5.0-6.0)
1 min walk (incline 1.5, speed 3.5)
1 min walk (incline 10, speed 2.8)
1 min walk (incline 11, speed 2.9)
1 min walk (incline 12, speed 3.0)
1 min walk (incline 13, speed 3.1)
1 min walk (incline 14, speed 3.2)
1 min walk (incline 15, speed 3.3)
2 min cool down (incline 1.5, speed 2.0-2.8)

Total time - 20 minutes

Happy Lifting!!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Hi there! My name is Theresa, and I am +Cassie Block 's BFF, PNC, workout buddy and roomie! I am super excited to be a part of her fitness journey and a guest writer on her blog. I mean, what are friends for? To be supportive, accepting, challenging, and present! Since I will be sharing my thoughts with you from time to time I guess I will tell you a little bit about me. 
I've been a neonatal RN for 7 years and I love my career (notice I said career and not "job" lol). Basically,  I care for newborn babies in a hospital setting immediately after they are born until they go home. Very rewarding, yet very stressful as is any job in the health care industry at this time.
Speaking of stress… this would be an excellent transition into how I became a lover of exercise (notice I say exercise and not fitness). I will explain shortly. My very first "ah ha" moment with exercise was during my Senior year in high school when I decided I no longer wanted to be overweight and uncomfortable in my clothes. I  did not play sports as a young person, and was an anxious and somewhat of an introvert at this time in my life. Therefor, I really had no idea where to even begin. All I know is that a very good friend who sat behind me in a few classes asked me if I wanted to start running with her after school to get in shape, lose weight, feel better etc. I hesitantly agreed, but I felt comfortable enough with her to try (knowing I could barely even walk the 1 mile we were required to complete in P.E. on Fridays) Long story short-I ran with her. Everyday. I pushed myself though the initial shame of being so out of shape, through the cramps, through the frustration of wanting to do be able to run without stopping. And then suddenly I was running 5 miles with her on the levee everyday. Over just a few weeks I had conditioned myself to run and for me it was the catalyst I needed to find my confidence and something I was passionate about. I will never forget when my pants were falling off and my legs looked amazing and my tummy actually was flat and had pretty definition near my hips. I was hooked. And for 10 years cardio became my confidence, my weight control, my STRESS relief and the only thing I did…but I wasn't FIT. And it wasn't until I met CASSIE that I realized that there is SO much more than running/cardio. Once again, at a new chapter in my life, I have been lucky enough to find a friend that is bringing me to an even better level of fitness and overall well being. In just a few months I have gone from that girl that only runs on the treadmill at the gym to someone lifting weights, meal prepping, and learning to let go of the number on the scale!!!! I love my stronger body, and I love the way it feels to eat healthy. And I couldn't be more grateful to have a best friend and workout buddy that is just as dedicated to a healthy lifestyle as me. Having a friend to do this with makes it SO MUCH EASIER!!!!
Well i think that is enough for now. I cannot wait to share more stories and experiences with you.
Until next time,

Monday, February 10, 2014

Oatmeal: From Flab to Fab

Have you ever gotten bored with your food? Ever think that you are literally eating the same thing over and over again? One of the major problems that people have with eating healthy is that they think it has to be “bland” food that takes like cardboard! Well I am here to squash that myth! One of my favorite things to do is to look for new and exciting ways to make food. I love looking up recipes and trying new things! One of the things that I had a hard time with in the past was oatmeal.

Oatmeal is a great complex carb that keeps you full and satisfied, but it can be very “boring”. When I first stated prepping I would make my 1/3 cup every morning and force myself to eat it! My coach then told me about oatmeal pancakes…talk about heaven! The only problem was that making them every morning was a chore so I decided to improvise!! I wanted a way that I could get my oatmeal in every morning but make it fast. I was on Pinterest and I see that they put everything in muffin tins, what a great idea! So I decided that I was going to make oatmeal “muffins”. I eat two every morning with some sugar free maple syrup, yummmm! So here is the recipe, I hope you all enjoy!



2 cups of rolled oats

1 2/3 cup of water


Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Blend oats until they are a “semi-flour” consistency

Mix oats in bowl with water

(can put pam in muffin tin, or line with cupcake wrappers)

Fill each slot up about half way with the mixture

Yields – 12 ½ muffins


I eat two in the morning because that is about 1/3 cup of oats. You can add other ingredients to make it fancy as well. I usually like to add cinnamon (helps aid a faster metabolism) or puree pumpkin is something that I have always wants to try. Basically you can add anything in them that you would add in your regular oatmeal.

Picture of breakfast, they look boring but they are totally delish!!! :-)

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Workout of the Day: Back and Biceps

Good morning all! 

As promise I am going to try and put up some exercises that you guys can try on your own. Before I do that let's talk about safety! 

If ever you don't know how to do an exercise, google it! I am constantly googling new exercises that I am given to make sure I am doing them right! You can also check out they are a great resource for exercises! 

When I workout I usually pick two groups of muscles to work out at one time. This is for one main reason, so I can alternate between the two muscle groups. This is important because when you are constantly working the same muscle you don't allow any time for new capillaries to form. Capillaries are small vessels that form to help bring blood to the muscle so that it can start to repair. When you exercise you are literally tearing muscle, so by switching muscle groups you give that muscle time to start repairing! Increased repair time means stronger better muscles!!! So I plan my workouts so that I alternate between muscles. So today it will go back, bicep, back, bicep, etc.

Lastly, please please please think before you do anything! So many people get hurt seriously in the gym because they try to lift heavy right away. DO NOT do this!!!!! Start out with lighter weight, get the form correct and then start to increase weight! 

**I am not a certified personal trainer the workout to follow was created by me from my experience in the gym, always consult a doctor before starting a workout regimen**

Back and Bicep WOD:

Warm up - 5 minutes. 
(Ex. Arm circles, jumping jacks, shoulder rolls)

1. Underhand Lat pull down
Sets - 4
Reps - 15,12,10,8
Rest 30 secs in between sets

2. Dumbbell bicep curl
Sets - 4
Reps- 15,12,10,8
Rest 30 secs in between sets

3. Row in squat position 
Sets - 4
Reps- 15,12,10,8
Rest 30 secs in between sets

4. Push-up (regular) 
Sets - 3
Reps - 10,10,10

5. Hyper extension w/10 lbs. dumbbell Sets- 4
Reps - 15,12,10,8
Rest 30 secs in between sets

6. Hammer curl on stability ball 
Sets- 4
Reps -15,12,10,8
Rest 30 secs in between sets

7. Barbell row (think about hitting your belly button with the bar)
Sets- 4
Reps- 15,12,10,8
Rest 30 secs in between sets

8. Barbell curl (wavy bar...know  as ez bar)
Sets- 4
Reps- 15,12,10,8
Rest 30 secs in between sets

9. Decline push ups (put foot on box or bench)
Sets- 4
Reps- 12,10,8,6
Rest 30 secs in between sets

10. Pull ups, assisted
Sets- 4
Reps- 10,10,10,10
Rest 30 secs in between sets

Cardio - 30 minutes steady pace

-if you have any question about the exercise comment below and I'll try my best to explain! You can also check out YouTube and they have great videos! 

Happy Lifting Y'all! 

(Back progress pic of me and my workout partner!)

**check me out on Instagram @ fitcassie_88**

Friday, February 7, 2014

The Importance of Nutrition!

Today I am going to focus on nutrition! But…before I do that I want to talk about the difference between a diet and a lifestyle change. Diets have an expiration date, once you reach the goal most go back to the old way of doing things. This is detrimental because you end up right back where you started. Another reason why diets are bad is because most people partake in “crash diets” defined as,
                “A weight-loss diet undertaken with the aim of achieving very rapid results”   

You may be happy that you lost all the weight so quickly, but the majority of people gain it back and then SOME! You also want to be careful when participating in “fad” diets and anything that says you can lose “10 pounds in 10 days”. Losing weight quickly means that you are at such a calorie deficit that your body is actually gone into starvation mode and is burning muscle because it is energy dense, instead of fat burning.
The most important thing that I have learned about diet is that your body needs, requires nourishment! This comes from getting a steady amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. I have been on multiple different diets, and I can say with certainty that I feel my best when I have a balanced diet of protein, carbs, and healthy fats.  Now everyone is different and goals are different so I, nor anyone else, can tell you how many you should get on average. For my competition I am trying to cut (get leaner) while still building muscle, so my protein is high and carbs are lower. Here is a website that you can go to and put in your info and it will tell you what you daily should look like. I know that it is a pain in the butt to calculate the exact amount of food that you need at each meal, but in the end it is worth it I promise. I am three weeks in and can see an amazing difference!

When I started my fitness journey I knew that I was going to have to make lifestyle changes. No more Taco Bell runs or Kit Kats during the day. I don’t worry so much about calories, as I worry about the “macros” of what I’m eating. One thing that I have learned recently is “macros” and “micros”. Macros are your proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Micros are your vitamins, phytochemicals, salt, etc.
Now with all this information we can start to make a meal plan! The best meal plan is one that has six meals spread throughout the day in order to maintain an active metabolism. You want to plan three larger meals; breakfast, lunch, and dinner and three small snacks. You need to think about the times of day that you will be active and plan around those (i.e. I work out at after work so I need to eat a larger dinner to help with the calorie deficit). If you work out in the morning, breakfast should be your biggest meal, etc.  

****Before you read my meal plan please be aware that I am currently cutting for a bikini competition so my diet is very strict, this is not an average diet. Use the macro calculator to find how much you should be taking in daily and use this meal plan as a base****

My basic meal plan…

4 oz of protein (eggs)
1/3 cup of carb (oatmeal, Ezekiel bread)
Snack 1:
4 oz. of protein
½ oz. of nuts (or 1 tbs. of natural peanut butter)
1/3 cup of carb (brown rice, black beans, sweet potato)
1 cup of green vegetable (broccoli, small salad)
4 oz. of protein
1/3 cup of carb (same as above)
Snack 2:
1 ½ scoop Protein shake (whey protein, yummm)
½ oz of nuts (1 tbs. peanut butter)
5 oz. of protein
1 cup of vegetable (anything green!!!)
1.5 oz of avocado
1/3 cup of carbs (same as above)
Snack 3:
4 oz. of protein
1 oz. of avocado (1 tbs. of peanut butter)

This keeps me full and satisfied all day! I like this meal plan because it gives me the ability to make different kinds of protein (ground turkey, chicken, and fish) that way it doesn’t get boring! I love peanut butter and avocado so I usually eat those instead of nuts (make sure to buy NATURAL peanut butter, more to come on that later!) Once you start a meal plan you may be thinking to yourself “man that’s a lot of food!” Your body becomes accustom to being fed regularly and starts burning fat more effectively. I can actually tell what time it is by the way my body feels. I don’t really have to use an alarm clock anymore because my body knows that at 7:30 am it is time to eat! If you start to see yourself getting hungrier you can always add more vegetables!

Many of you are probably like “ok, we get it food is important but where is the workout?!” The very first thing that I learned in my fitness journey is that food is 90% of losing weight/being healthy. Exercise will help, but it is important to get a good firm grasp on your nutrition first!

First hand experience, I have been eating relatively clean for about 6 months. Stayed the same weight, 136.4 to be exact! I would have a cheat meal once a week and little cheats (like a Kit Kat) throughout the week. Not until I became fully committed to my diet did I start to see SERIOUS changes. My body has changed so much! I promise that workouts are coming soon, but nutrition is by far more important and my favorite thing to talk about! 

If you have any questions leave me a comment!!

Progress Picture of me for my first month of training. Check me out on Instagram, link at the top of my page!