I've been a neonatal RN for 7 years and I love my career (notice I said career and not "job" lol). Basically, I care for newborn babies in a hospital setting immediately after they are born until they go home. Very rewarding, yet very stressful as is any job in the health care industry at this time.
Speaking of stress… this would be an excellent transition into how I became a lover of exercise (notice I say exercise and not fitness). I will explain shortly. My very first "ah ha" moment with exercise was during my Senior year in high school when I decided I no longer wanted to be overweight and uncomfortable in my clothes. I did not play sports as a young person, and was an anxious and somewhat of an introvert at this time in my life. Therefor, I really had no idea where to even begin. All I know is that a very good friend who sat behind me in a few classes asked me if I wanted to start running with her after school to get in shape, lose weight, feel better etc. I hesitantly agreed, but I felt comfortable enough with her to try (knowing I could barely even walk the 1 mile we were required to complete in P.E. on Fridays) Long story short-I ran with her. Everyday. I pushed myself though the initial shame of being so out of shape, through the cramps, through the frustration of wanting to do be able to run without stopping. And then suddenly I was running 5 miles with her on the levee everyday. Over just a few weeks I had conditioned myself to run and for me it was the catalyst I needed to find my confidence and something I was passionate about. I will never forget when my pants were falling off and my legs looked amazing and my tummy actually was flat and had pretty definition near my hips. I was hooked. And for 10 years cardio became my confidence, my weight control, my STRESS relief and the only thing I did…but I wasn't FIT. And it wasn't until I met CASSIE that I realized that there is SO much more than running/cardio. Once again, at a new chapter in my life, I have been lucky enough to find a friend that is bringing me to an even better level of fitness and overall well being. In just a few months I have gone from that girl that only runs on the treadmill at the gym to someone lifting weights, meal prepping, and learning to let go of the number on the scale!!!! I love my stronger body, and I love the way it feels to eat healthy. And I couldn't be more grateful to have a best friend and workout buddy that is just as dedicated to a healthy lifestyle as me. Having a friend to do this with makes it SO MUCH EASIER!!!!
Well i think that is enough for now. I cannot wait to share more stories and experiences with you.
Until next time,
Yay Tee!! I'm glad you wrote about yourself! Everyone can go on my instagram (@fitcassie_88) and check out Theresa kickin' butt in my videos!!