
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Hi Everyone!!

Hi there everyone!!

Well, this is my first post. I want to first introduce myself and tell you why I decided to get into the “fitness” industry! :-) My name is Cassie and I am a 25 year old from New Orleans. I have moved around a great deal my whole life because my parents were in the military. I came to New Orleans to go to school and now work full time as a social worker.

I started my fitness journey about 1 ½ ago when I noticed that I was unhappy with myself. I have always been a confident person but my activity level changed when I got a desk job, rut ro :-(. I gained about 25 pounds and my self-esteem went in the toilet. So I decided that I needed a change. I told myself that I was going to start going to the gym and actually go! So I signed up and got a trainer to help me in the beginning. To be totally honest I have had multiple memberships at gyms but never stayed because I was intimidated and didn’t know ANYTHING about how to use any of the equipment. I think that the only thing I knew how to use was a treadmill! I was fortunate enough to have a trainer to help push me in gym and teach me about weight lifting, and my life forever changed!

Over time I became more confident in the gym and was able to go without a trainer. The more and more time I spent in the gym the more and more I loved it. I loved the way I looked and the way I was feeling, both mentally and physically. I had trainers at the gym for about a year and they taught me so much about pre-workouts, protein powders, diets, workouts, etc. When personal training ended I was able to create my own workouts and continued to stay fit! I now want to share that information with ya’ll!

To end this little section about me I want to talk about my decision to compete in a fitness competition. While spending time in the gym and meeting people there I learned about the different types of fitness competitions for women. I was intrigued by their dedication to fitness and eating healthy. I added this to my bucket list of things that I wanted to do. I tried for a couple of months to prep on my own but I only had me to be accountable to, and so I cheated a lot! Recently I decided that I needed to get serious and got a competition coach and it has been the best move of my life. Her name is Shannon (#shansations) and she motivates me on a regular basis. My first NPC competition will be in April so I have about 12 weeks to prep! I hope that you follow along on my journey to see me become a bikini competitor!

So the question becomes, why start a blog? Who do you want to read this? I started a blog because when I started I read a lot of information, I couldn’t get enough. I would scroll through Instagram and be motivated by fit, healthy women. I want to be part of that; I want to inspire others to achieve their goals, whatever they may be! Fitness has become a passion of mine and I want to share my journey and knowledge with anyone that wants the information!

Write in the comments any questions or topics you may have about fitness, I would love to know what you guys have questions about!


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