
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Shoulder and Glute WOD

Hey guys!!

I know it has been a while, but life has been so crazy!

So I have decided to start prepping for Bayou Muscle bikini npc contest that will happen in April. So in order to keep myself more sane I am (hopefully) start blogging more workouts and recipes! So here is todays workout, enjoy!

1. Shoulder Press (4x15, 12, 10, 8) w/ Speed Skaters (15 each side)

  • You can do shoulder press with free weights, barbell, or smith machine. I suggest doing whatever you feel most comfortable with. I like to use the smith machine because I can increase the weight and not worry so much about dropping it :-P

2. Leg Press (5x 15, 12, 10, 8, 8) w/ Pop Squats (10)

  • A pop squat is where you go into a regular squat (bodyweight) and "pop" into a narrow squat (bringing feet almost touching). Remember to go low, and this movement should be pretty quick and fluid. I love this move because it gets the heart rate up!

3. One Legged Leg Curl (4x12, 10, 10, 8) w/ Jumping Lunges (10)

  • For the one legged leg curl use whatever machine you have available. I have been using the extension machine lately because it forces me to use more glute and hamstring during this motion. I tend to use to much of my quad when I do it on the seated hamstring machine. If you have a lying leg curl, that would be my suggestion!

4. Leg Extensions (4x 15, 12, 9, 9) w/ Jumping Jacks (30)

  • Leg extensions - I put it in multiples of 3 (wide, regular, and narrow). Doing extensions in this three forms forces you to use different areas of the quad. Remember you quad is made of four muscles (who would have thought right?!?!!) so you want to target each. 

5. Arnold Press (5x10) w/ Shoulder Circles (10)

  • I have a video on Instagram of shoulder circles. Basically, start with a lighter weight palms out resting near your legs (you should be standing), bring the weight up in a circle, weight will touch at the top above your head. Go through this motion slowly. This will target all of the shoulder and it will be quite a workout believe me!

I followed this AMAZING workout with 10 minutes on the elliptical. Should take between 45-65 minutes. Try to keep the pace high (keep heart rate elevated therefore burning more calories) If you have to rest, do it for 15-30 seconds between each set. 

(If you aren't already, take a gander at Instagram and give me a follow @fitcassie_88)

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