
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tricep and Bicep Workout

Hey Guys!!

Hope everything is going well for each and everyone of you! I wanted to let you all know that I have recently started pinning some of my stuff on Pinterest. I have pinned some workouts that I like as well as some other randomness. I hope that you will check it out and let me know what you think!

On to fitness!! Yesterday's workout was Triceps and Biceps. I have talked about this before, but when working out you want to switch muscles during the workout in order to give the muscle some reprieve. For example, you do leg extensions (quad) and then do a leg curl (hamstring). This gives the muscle times to shuttle blood and other nutrients to the muscle to help start the repair process. If you work quad muscle after quad muscle you will never allow time for the muscle to repair, therefore stunting progress.

For arms I have worked it out many different ways. The bicep has two heads and the tricep has three heads, so when I am only working out one of these groups I typically switch between the two or three heads of the muscle. So, sometimes I do back and biceps, when I do this I switch between back and bicep head one, back, bicep head two, etc. Yesterday I switched between bicep and tricep. Whichever way you run the workout is a-ok!

SO (finally!!) here is the workout from yesterday. It should ONLY take 1 hour. Really push yourself to complete in 1 hour.

1. Bicep Curl (dumbbell) w/Kickback (4x10)
-Really focus on the movement here. Go SLOW and create that muscle memory. You don't have to go heavy, but make sure that when you are doing the curl that you feel the bicep contracting and extending, squeeze the tricep when you are doing kickbacks, I promise you will feel it in the morning!
2. 21's w/Bench Dip (3x12)
3. Hammer Curl w/Overhead Extension
-This exercise can be done with dumbbells or on the cable machine. I used the cable machine so that I could really push myself.

Have fun guys! Keep me posted if you do the workout!

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