So today I wanted to share my workout schedule and some goals for this week. In my last post I talked about being prepared so I hope this will be helpful for you guys, and you can modify to your life!
1. Get to work on time every day (seriously I get to work at 8:02 - I need to be here earlier!)
2. Focus on getting appropriate rest.
3. Put 130% into every workout.
Workout Schedule:
Monday - off
Tuesday - Legs (Squats) and HIIT
Wednesday - Upper Body (Back Focus)
Thursday - HIIT and Abs
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Legs
Sunday - Upper Body (Shoulder Focus) and HIIT
So I will try to post as much info about workouts and meals as I can (but let's be real, I probably won't do it as often as I should :-P). So below is my tentative meal plan for the week and my workout from yesterday.
Meal Plan:
- Breakfast - Protein Shake
- Snack 1 - Chocolate Chip and Banana Muffin
- Lunch - Chicken Noodle Soup (under the weather today)
- Snack 2 - Greek Yogurt and carrots
- Dinner - varied?!?!? (today it's kabobs!)
1. Shoulder Press (smith machine/barbell) (10x10)
with bicep curl (3x10)
2. Upright Row (barbell) (5x10)
3. Lateral Raise (5x10)
with triceps extension (3x10)
4. Front Raise (5x10)
5. Arnold Press (10x10)
with dips (3x10)
6. Rear Delt Raise (5x10)
7. Shoulder Circles (10x10)
--I incorporated other upper body exercises to give the delt muscle some rest. I tried to do the whole workout in 1 hour (it took like 10-15 more minutes than that). What you want to go for is minimal rest but effective reps. Remember to do a weight that is appropriate yet challenging.
I hope you all have a great Monday!! :-)
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